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Peerceptiv actively engages learners in giving and receiving feedback while offering unmatched instructor productivity. Peer Review, Peer Assessment, Team Member Evaluation, and Live Presentation assignments enable authentic assessment that improves outcomes in any course, in any discipline, and any size class. Learners build critical thinking and communication skills as they participate in high-level academic dialogue. 

What Does Peerceptiv Have to Offer?

With Peerceptiv’s research-based, double-blind peer review, instructors can assign a wide range of writing, presentation, graphic, video submission, and other evidence-based assessments in Canvas. By the time final drafts are submitted, students can feel confident in turning in high-quality work with specific feedback in a timely manner. Instructors feel relieved knowing when they grade papers that have gone through a conscientious peer review process, they are seeing the true capabilities of their students.

When building in Peerceptiv, you can choose from the following assignment types:

  • Individual Peer Assessment allows students to submit their work as individuals and participate in the peer review process with the classmates that they are assigned.
  • Team Member Evaluation allows students to rate and evaluate their team members participation and contributions to their peers anonymously.
  • Group Peer Assessment allows students to work in groups on a Peerceptiv assignment based on the groups entered into Canvas for a particular assignment. 
  • Live Presentations/Individual allows students to work in real time, individually presenting their assignment to the class. 
  • Live Presentations/Groups allows students to work in real time, as a group presenting their assignment to the class. 

Rubrics and Grading

In order to complete a Peerceptiv assignment, students are provided with a rubric that helps them fairly review their classmates’ work. As the instructor, you’re able to build a rubric that fits all of your needs, including both rating and comment prompts. 

Peerceptiv syncs into the Canvas gradebook automatically when an assignment is completed and the due date has passed. This eliminates instructors needing to enter the assignment grade in two places.

More Information:

Want to learn more about Peerceptiv? Take a look at the Getting to Know Peerceptiv Resource Guide for more information.

Hungry for more?

Please check out our website for more details about course and support services. For any other questions please contact onlinefaculty@vcu.edu